That's my story, and I'm Sticking With It

No fighting, No biting, No bloodletting. Just be excellent to each other.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Twenty Cows?

A story I ran across this AM seems to be the “twenty cows” moment from the entire Katrina disaster. (Link here: Iraq Story
The gist of the story is that a group of Iraqi soldier collected 1 million dinars to send to the victims of Katrina. Although the amount isn’t much by our standards (approx $680 US) it’s about a month’s pay for most of the soldiers. What was particularly touching was the words of the Iraqi commander, Col. Abbas Fadhil, “We are all brothers. When one suffers tragedy, we all suffer their pain.”

I haven’t had much use for Arabs in general and Iraqis in particular since the first Gulf War, but I am deeply touched and a little shamed by this action. Once again, the magnitude of the gift in comparison to the means of the giver is humbling.


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