That's my story, and I'm Sticking With It

No fighting, No biting, No bloodletting. Just be excellent to each other.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Broadswords vs Stilletos

Mags and I have identified one of the major sources of friction in our marriage. She grew up with her family fighting in a very loud, open, aggressive manner. My families fights were much more subtle. When Mags family fought, they started of with screaming, yelling, ranting and raving. My family fought with cynicism and sarcasm. When Mags is angry, she starts out at a level that, unless I am thinking very very carefully, I perceive as bloodletting stage.

They fought with broadswords and axes; we fought with stilettos.

As I’m fond of saying, this is just more data. I need to figure out what to do with it. Maybe the marriage councilor can help us figure out a way to fight so that she actually can pick up when I’m angry (before I get to the rage level), and I can stop interpreting her anger as rage.

We shall see.


At 9:18 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

yo. wishing you the best this evening, and loving reading your words. many thanks for sharing. my comments are peppered below.

if we can't get together for chess, how about a game of reversi or othello? tiger and i didn't take chess with us to the beach, so you'll definitely win. but it's always fun to lose to you. :)


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