That's my story, and I'm Sticking With It

No fighting, No biting, No bloodletting. Just be excellent to each other.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rainy Days And Tuesdays...

Just got off the phone with a good friend. Without going into too much detail on her story, someone whom she counted on in her life turned out to have a hidden agenda. She was devistated, partially because she was the last one to realize what was going on, but mostly because one of the assumptions on which she based her life turned out to be wrong. I've been there, and its always painful.

I'm afraid that I wasn't able to do much to help her. What do you say to someone who's life has just turned upside down, and not in a good way? Still, the conversation made me think.

I've had situations like that in my life. One day, quite suddenly, something happens and everything in your life changes. Those moments of change are rarely comfortable, and often have implications that last for a long time if not permanently. Most are negative, but some have positive implications.

I had an experience at the Pennsic war last month that fits that bill. I've been toying with posting about it, but something keeps holding me back. Partially, I've been trying to hold onto it, and writing about it seems to be too much of an adminition that it is well and truly over, but mostly it was to intense, too personal to really be able to share it.

"Twenty dollars, same as in town", "Shiny, pretty, MINE!", "I'ts a stick, it's a stick, it's a fucking stick!" All of these lines have special meaning, and while I can tell the stories behind them, the full impact is lost.

Flirting at Castle Barducci, baking bread in camp, providing an escort to the ladies in camp while they went shopping, singing until I got hoarse, staying up until the wee hours talking, all were part of the experience. Still, I feel incapable of putting them down on paper. They were too special, too real.


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